
The Round 2 Winner is....

Wait for it....

The Mehls!

Congrats, you win a batch of homemade shortbread cookies!  I know it's not Fr. Kastl's cake, but I'll make 'em good, I promise...

Stay tuned for our Randomly selected winners of all the participants!

And, to end the night of online Trivia, Esther Loustaunau, one of our wonderful volunteers has a reflection for us:

** Has this ever happened to you? the doorbell rings, and when you answer it, your heart drops because you have just opened the door to someone you don't like very much. It's not that you actively dislike this person, it's more that your personalities don't match, and the relationship takes a lot of work on your end. Your first instinct is to act as if you're too busy to talk, even though you aren't. You know you should be more friendly but you don't want to. In Hebrews, we read about mutual love...the very thing that Jesus commanded at the Last Supper, when He told his disciples, "As I have loved you, so you also should love one another" So how do we do it? Especially in situations like the one I just described? Trying to muster up the right amount of good will may work for a bit, but we will eventually lose our energy. And we sense, too, that being completely honest and telling our "friend" to leave us alone is hurtful and wrong. In the end we simply don't have what it takes to put these words into practice. And that is exactly what God want's us to know!! The love that Jesus commanded and that Hebrews explains to us is a love that can come to us only as a gift from the Holy Spirit. Jesus told us that it is easy to love people who treat us well, but it takes divine intervention to find the courage and strength to love people who are different from us, who have mistreated us, or who just rub us the wrong way! Do these words challenge you? GOOD!! let that challenge move you to look for the Lord more fully!!!!!  Tell him that you need his LOVE!!!! - Esther Loustaunau

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