Wednesday, October 27, from 6:30-8pm
Donations accepted at the gate benefit the ROCKsolid ministries!
All individuals, families, or Parish/School groups are invited to help make Trunk or Treat amazing by decorating a vehicle and passing out candy. Be in the West Lot no later than 6:15pm on Wednesday, ready to pass out candy! Remember, there are prizes for the best trunks, so feel free to get creative!
If you're a ROCKsolid youth, we would love for you and your family to decorate a vehicle and pass out candy. If your family can't do it*, join us from 6-8pm and help set-up, work the gate, manage the voting, or run some games for the little ones. We'll even give you pizza, like a regular ROCKsolid Wednesday night!
*If you come without your family to help as a ROCKsolid volunteer, you are expected to help where you are assigned throughout the evening. Don't worry, you'll have time to see all the trunks and will get plenty of candy, but it is not simply free time!
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